Courses Offered (Zoology)

Courses Offered

The Department follows the CBCSS curriculum for its UG programme and Semester System for M. Sc. as per the University of Kerala Syllabi.

Currently, the Department offers:

B. Sc. (Zoology) with an intake of 40 students per year
M. Sc. (Zoology) 16 students per year
Ph. D (Zoology)
The Department offered the UGC Vocational Course in Biotechnology during 1998-2003 (first in Kerala).
Also offered M. Phil programme of the University of Kerala during 1992-95.
The Open Course offered by the Department for Semester V UG students is Human Health and Sex Education. The elective course for U G students is Applied Zoology with special focus on Vermiculture and Apiculture. The P. G. programme has Vertebrate Endocrinology as a specialized subject in the fourth semester.