Postgraduate Department of Zoology and Research Centre
Established on June 20, 1946, as one of the founding departments of Sanatana Dharma College, the Department of Zoology offers B.Sc. and M.Sc. courses in Zoology. The department is also an approved Research Centre of the University of Kerala. The Interdisciplinary Centre for Research on Aquatic Resources, hosted by the department, which focuses on the scientific as well as commercial utilization of Water Hyacinth and other resources from Kuttanad region, is a unique achievement of the department. Our areas of specialization include Microbiology and Fermentation, Fisheries, Environmental Biology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry and Entomology. In its 75 years of imparting quality education, the department has been able to produce many university rank holders for both UG and PG programmes. Notably, the department has received financial support from the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, UGC, Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment & Kerala Biotechnology Commission, Government of Kerala and other premier funding agencies for teaching, research, and extension activities. Currently, there are 7 teaching staff under the leadership of Dr. Meena Janardhanan. There are 2 non-teaching staff to cater to the needs of the students. Many of the teachers have received awards, fellowships and have handled research projects from national funding agencies. The Department staff have been at the helm of the College as Principals – so far, 5 teachers have been appointed as Principals since the inception of the College. The faculties of the Department play an active role in not only transacting the curriculum but also developing it. They perform various roles as Members of Board of Studies in Zoology at PG & UG Levels as well as members of syllabus revision committee and Board of Studies in Zoology of the University of Kerala and several autonomous colleges in the State. Our students are encouraged to participate in all activities of the College – both academic and extra-curricular. Many of our students are active members of NCC, NSS, Women’s Cell, Eco Club, Science Club etc. Zoology Association (ZOOM) provides them with a platform to exhibit their talents and in organizing programmes on their own. Meritorious students are provided with scholarships through endowments at UG and PG levels.
The Department has 1 classroom, 2 lab cum classrooms, 1 B. Sc. Lab, a smart classroom/seminar hall, Museum, Research lab, Community Training Center and Instrumentation room. There is a spacious staff room and HoD’s room.
The instrumentation room is well equipped with basic and advanced equipment for the research activities of faculty and students.
The Department maintains a reference library and Book Bank and subscribes to several journals and science magazines.
LCD projectors, Laptops, Visual Projector, Computers, educational CDs are available for teaching & learning.
Additional Courses
The department conducts a variety of courses to provide an opportunity for students to get more employability skills. Department conducted training for ornamental fish culture. The Department also offers a Certificate Programme on Organic Farming. The course has both theory and practical sessions.
Alumni Association (ZOOM)
The Alumni is a magnificent thread that links the past and the present to create a strong and caring institution. Yet another good -fortune for the Department, is the sound and wide range of alumni spread across different parts of the world. “ZOOM” the official name of alumni association is a vibrant association with regular interactions on and off the campus. The alumni are involved in assisting the students and department in various activities. The various batches of old students congregate on a regular basis with the sole objective of meeting social commitment.
Some of our famous alumni include:
- Dr. B. Meenakumari
Chairperson, National Biodiversity Authority - Dr. C. J. Dominic
Head, Dept. of Zoology, BHU - Dr. N. R. Madhava Menon
Founder Vice Chancellor, NUALS - Dr. Jyothish. B. Pillai
Lab. Director, Reproductive Centre of Central New Jersey, USA - Mr. Ram Mohan
Director, MPEDA, Govt. of India - Dr. P. Vedavyasa Rao
Principal Scientist, CMFRI, Cochin - Dr. Govindan Bhaskaran
Professor, Dept. of Biology, Texas A & M University, Texas, USA - Dr. Sreekumar
Senior Scientist, Central Silk Research Institute, Mysore - Dr. Mohan Kumar
Department of Fisheries, Government of Kerala - Dr. B. Padma Kumar, MBBS, MD
Professor of Medicine, T. D. Medical College, Alleppey - Dr. C. R. Karanavar
Professor & Head (Rtd), Dept. of Zoology, Univ. of Kerala - Dr. Krishnan Nair
Head (Rtd), Department of Zoology, Univ. of Calicut - Mr. Mathew. C. Kunnumkal, IAS,
Former Chairman, Oushadhi, Govt. of Kerala - Dr. A. P. M. Mohammed Refeeque
Former Principal EMEA College, Malappuram