Research Policy
The holistic educational vision of Sanatana Dharma college finds expression in its policy of research. The institution is committed to the idea of nation building by promoting a solid and ethical research culture among the faculty as well as the students . The Research Committee of the college is constituted under the Internal Quality Assurance Cell ( IQAC) of the college. The committee is comprised of the Principal, the Vice- Principal ,the IQAC Co-ordinator, Research Committee Co-ordinator, representatives of research guides and research scholars from all the nine research departments of the college .The research policy of the college is formulated in line with the vision and the mission of the college that espouses quality education through the ideals of truth, godliness and beauty. The policy is developed and kept updated through an understanding and imbibing of the knowledge transformation that is occurring in the global arena. The vision of research , while oriented towards the global has its foundations in the knowledge systems produced by the Indian nation. It also ensures the adherence of all the research activities of the college to the applicable rules and regulations of the university and the UGC.
The research policy is manifested in various arenas as mentioned here.
i. Research Projects
- The college encourages the faculty members and the students to apply for and take up research projects at national and international levels including those instituted by UGC, CSIR and NBHM.
- In the case of Major Projects , the Research Committee of the college in consultation with the IQAC calls for research fellows through a proper procedure. Applications are invited from research scholars through advertisements given at the national and the international levels. Final selection is based on an interview. The selected scholars if interested, are encouraged to pursue research at the University of Kerala leading to their PhD degree.
- The Research Committee of the college ensures knowledge regarding and scholarships reach the faculty and the students through prompt dissemination of information.
ii. Research Publications
- All faculty members are expected to publish a minimum of one paper in academic journals every year.
- The Research Committee encourages the publication of research findings of the faculty members and students in UGC- CARE listed , SCOPUS indexed, national and international journals with impact factor thereby ensuring knowledge dissemination to the community through knowledge generation .
- It also ensures strict adherence to the guidelines stipulated by the UGC and the University of Kerala.
- Plagiarism check of the papers is done through the plagiarism software with the assistance of the college librarian.
- The submitted papers should carry the title of the institution. The acceptance of the papers is to be intimated to the Research Committee and the IQAC and a copy of the published paper is directed to be handed over to them.
iii. Guideship
- As nine departments of the college are research centres , all the faculty members having a PhD degree are encouraged to apply for guideship.
- The faculty members of nearby colleges are given sanction to affiliate themselves with Sanatana Dharma college as guides after consultation with the IQAC and the Research committee of the College. It is also instructed to have the published papers of these affiliated guides and their wards bear the name of Sanatana Dharma College.
- Daily attendance is strictly mandated for all full time research scholars. The attendance register of the scholars is kept duly signed by the Head of the Department. The research conduct of part-time scholars is also carried out in accordance with the rules stipulated by the university .
- The research scholars are encouraged to apply for fellowships available in their area of research. No research scholar can avail more than one fellowship at a time. It is ensured by the guide concerned and the Head of the Department concerned.
- Visits to other national and international research centres of repute are promoted by the college with the permission of the research guide and the Head of the Department. Research collaboration at both the national and the international levels are promoted.
iv. Research Awards
- The college has constituted research awards- Best Research Thesis Award and Best Research Paper Award for the best thesis and the best research paper produced by the research scholars in an academic year.
- Scholars are encouraged to apply for patents in consultation with the IQAC and the Research Committee of the college. UGC and University rules and regulation are strictly adhered to while applying for patents.
V. Research Ethics
- Being a premier educational institution , the college has underscored the significance of social commitment as the goal of each research that is undertaken by the faculty members and the scholars. Knowledge dissemination to the community is given high priority .
- The Research Committee ensures regular monitoring of the research happening in the research centres of the college.
- Guides are instructed to do a thorough plagiarism scrutiny of research papers before their wards submit papers for publication.
- The strict adherence to the rules and regulations stipulated by the UGC and the University is given utmost importance.
- The research scholars are directed to add the titles of their fellowships in their research papers. The acknowledgement is made compulsory. The name of the college should also be included in the paper.
vi. Ongoing Research Activities
- The Research Committee keeps itself abreast of the changes that are happening in the area of research . Research meets are conducted at regular intervals and fruitful communication is ensured .
- Research awareness classes are conducted for the students as well as the newly inducted research scholars to keep them informed of the latest trends in research .
- Multidisciplinary approaches are promoted to foster interdisciplinary communication and knowledge transmission .
- It is ensured by the college that the research work and the research findings serve a higher purpose of community service without fail.