Drama Club

Drama Club

The Sanatanam Drama Club (SANDRA) functions to keep alive the unique art of theatre and to convey its delight and force to youngsters. It helps youngsters experience the energy of theatrical expressions and seeks to instil emotional intelligence, social abilities, inclusive attitude, tolerance and the capacity for team work. The coordinator of the club is Smt. Devi.S, Assistant Professor, Department of English. The club organizes activities like theatre seminars, workshops, performance of plays and competitions. Competitions in one-act play, mime, skit and script writing were conducted by the club during the previous years. Programmes in memory of great actors and playwrights are also organized by the club. The Drama club prepares students to participate in various competitions at the intercollegiate level. In 2020, our team bagged the First Prize in the One Act Play competition organized as part of the Kerala University Youth Festival. The Drama club is an excellent platform to hone the inborn talents of students.

Objectives of the club are:

  • To build self-confidence, imagination, creativity and communication skills among students.
  • To inculcate among members, an appreciation for different traditions of theatre and for different cultures.
  • To act as a platform to identify and hone the inborn artistic talents of students through theatre productions, recordings, workshops etc.
  • To be a positive influence upon students, instilling the values of tolerance, cooperation and inclusion.
  • To ensure the physical, emotional and social development of students through collaborative activities.
  • To equip aspirants for theatrical performances and competitions.