In the year 2023 alone, 1.5 crore candidates attempted competitive exams – job related (as per a survey conducted by a private organization). Many aspire to qualify for popular exams under U.P.S.C., P.S.C., I.B.P.S., etc., and put in their best efforts to crack them. However, a major part of these aspirants are not aware of easily accessible (and crackable) competitive exams.
C.G.P.C. is conducting an awareness program to familiarize students with competitive exams, with emphasis on the ‘unexplored’ exams, led by Dr. Rahul R. Kurup.
Date: 15-03-204 / Time: 2.45 PM / Venue: SVC Hall, SD College
Other details regarding the program are given in the brochure.
Thank you!
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